Managing a remote team: what mistakes do managers make that impact profitability, productivity and employee turnover?

7 Aug 2020:
Live Q&A interview with Leadership Expert, Kirk Fisher
< 28:33 >


Yes! Face-to-face training (with social distancing) at your workplace Australiawide

Yes! We are virtual ready: 
- live facilitator-led delivery online
(not just a 'webinar' but a live workshop simulation)

Leadership Development with Kirk Fisher

The session will be tailored to your specific team issues and based on the five attributes of high performing teams during a crisis as identified in the May 2020 Gallup study which looked at 62,965 business units work culture during a crisis.


1. Set clear expectations
2. Ensure people have the right materials and equipment
3. Leverage individual strengths
4. Connect your people to the Mission and Purpose of the organisation
5. Inspire everyone to commit to quality work.

These five attributes of high performance predict:
- profitability
- productivity
- customer perceptions of service
- employee turnover

Discussion includes avoiding mistakes managers make leading a team during tough times,
and especially, managing remotely.

It’s not enough for a team leader to run an online meeting with everyone muted, just giving instructions, not inviting feedback or input.

Working from home, the interpersonal cues when working in-office are missing.

High-EQ managers are staying connected to their remote team.

Avoid team burnout indicated by low morale and (shudder to think) people not wanting to work anymore.

Quick Enquiry

To find out more add your details, or . . . skip the form and call us on +61 408 076 004

KIRK FISHER MA (Human Development), B Music, Dip Business, Dip Business HR, Cert IV Training and Assessment

Kirk is a skilled facilitator, executive coach and thought leader in workplace mindfulness. During his career he was a jazz and classical musician.

Kirk held senior leadership and management positions; Principal Director of Learning and Development at Workplace Training Advisory of Australia, and Director and Head of School at the National Excellence in Schools Leadership Institute.

As a facilitator, Kirk is skilled in Adaptive Leadership and successfully trained as an Advanced Facilitator with the Groupwork Institute of Australia. He worked in Cultural Change, Communication and Leadership for clients such as Royal Australian Navy, BHP, Westpac and NAB.

Kirk has authored and presented papers on Leadership, Education and Mindfulness and worked in Cultural Change, Communication and Leadership for clients such as the Royal Australian Navy, BHP, Westpac and NAB.

Accredited – Executive Coaching (IECL Level 1 and 2)
Accredited - LSI and OSI (Human Synergistics)